
This leaderboard shows the number of recordings and reviews others have done and an individual user's scores. Data are update approximately every 10 minutes.

# Username Kapohanga Reo Reviews Tatau [beta]
201 Ngaupapa91 265 0 73
205 huingaa 262 6 89
207 Manahi 262 1 87
210 AMatehe 259 0 71
218 Kumari 251 0 66
219 sean.delany 251 26 25
220 ArasMahanga 250 7 61
223 Kataz 247 0 89
225 daphne 247 12 0
228 Meta-Tamara 244 6 122
229 MariaJ 241 0 110
230 hikooterangi 241 0 96
231 Maikel 236 2 93
232 CarlaJ 235 6 66
233 Moko Pukeroa 235 0 87
234 Harmony 233 0 57
235 Kaharoa 232 0 95
236 TeRinaC 232 3 84
237 Jose24 231 0 66
238 Ihate Unicorns 231 0 48
240 AynzGee 230 2 95
241 Kahu 226 8 74
243 punehu 221 0 88
245 Pa-Kelly 220 0 75
248 HiDa 217 10 75
249 Robbie 216 2 70